Health Benefits of Star Apple fruit

Health Benefits of Star Apple fruit

Health Benefits of Star Apple fruit

Star Apple (Chrysophyllum cainito) is a tropical tree of the family Sapotaceae. It is native to the Greater Antilles and the West Indies. It has spread to the lowlands of Central America and is now is grown throughout the tropics, including Southeast Asia.

Detailed information Nutrient Composition / Nutrition In the Star Apple fruit:
  • Name of Food: Star Apple fruit
  • Other Names / Alternative: Star Apple fruit
  • The number of Star Apple fruit were studied (Food Weight) = 100 g
  • Part Star Apple fruit which can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 64%
  • Number of Energy Star Apple fruit content = 64 kcal
  • Number of Protein Content of Star Apple fruit = 1 g
  • The amount of fat content of Star Apple fruit = 3.1 g
  • Number of Carbohydrate Content of Star Apple fruit = 8 g
  • The amount of Calcium Content of Star Apple fruit = 18 mg
  • The amount of phosphorus content of Star Apple fruit = 45 mg
  • The amount of content is Iron Star Apple fruit = 0.8 mg
  • The content of Vitamin A number of Star Apple fruit = 0 IU
  • The amount of vitamin B1 content of Star Apple fruit = 0.01 mg
  • The amount of Vitamin C Content of Star Apple fruit = 1 mg
  • Usefulness / Benefit Star Apple fruit: - (Not Available)
  • Initial Letter Name of Food: B
  • Nutritional Information Source: Various publications Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia as well as other sources.

Research / study on the different Star Apple fruit can result in differences in the results are due to a variety of factors that influence. We are sorry if there are errors or omissions in the information list of Apple Star food composition of this fruit. Hopefully the nutrients / nutrient Star Apple fruit can be useful for all of us.

Here are some Benefits of Star Apple fruit for your Healty and Beauty :

Star Apple generally consumed as fresh fruit, can also be used as raw material for ice cream or sherbet (sherbet). Sapodilla tree durian produce fruit after 5-6 years old, and usually the peak season fruit in Java during the dry season.

Many parts of the tree are medicinal; for example bark, sap, fruit and seeds. Decoction of the leaves is used to cure diabetes and arthritis. From pepagannya (bark) produced strong medicine and cough medicine.

The tree is often used as an ornamental and shade in parks and roadside. The wood is good enough as a building material. And the old branches are used to grow orchids.

The benefits of sapodilla fruit durian, among others, present in the leaves. Brown leaf decoction durian efficacious cure diabetes and arthritis.

According to the study, sapodilla durian has a relatively high content of antioxidants that are beneficial to counteract free radicals. Many beauty products that often offer products that contain antioxidants that make users look younger.

Star Apple is a good source of fiber which can help to overcome constipation. Fiber also helps protect the mucous membrane of the colon from cancer causing toxins. Star Apple also contains a lot of vitamin A which is very good for eye health care.

Enjoy ,,, i hope this article about health benefits of star apple fruit more adding clarity
Tag : benefits, fruit
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